Discussion (Photo Jenny Frazer)The Scotland Island Residents Association Committee (SIRAC) has a number of established subcommittees (also called Working Groups), each with a team leader. Some of the working groups also manage the services provided by SIRA to the community.

Working groups meet on a regular basis and discuss matters that may have been delegated to them by the SIRA committee or are brought up as discussion items from within the working groups or members of the association. Working groups may need to engage with the community to gauge opinion or to understand how strongly the community feels about certain matters.

Any interested islander who is a member of SIRA is welcome to join one or more of the working groups. The involvement and skills of community members help SIRA to provide a more meaningful service, so we encourage everyone to get involved!

SIRA Sub Committees
Sub CommitteeSubjectsTeam Leader (TL) and MembersCharter
Church PointChurch Point Plan of Management, parking and development of Church PointColin Haskell TL
Jenny Cullen
Bill Gye (TL)
Simon Tucker
Church Point Charter
CommunicationsCommunication with all stakeholdersCarol Beth Floyd (TL)
Alec Beckett (IT Services)
Shane O’Neill
Lisa Ratcliff
Julie Torney
Harriet Witchell
Roy Baker
Community Engagement and Communications Charter
Recreation ClubRecreationColin Haskell (TL)
Boyd Attewell
Rosemary Haskell
Sharon Kinnison
Julie Torney
Robyn Iredale (TL)
Chris Hampshire
Shane O’Neil
Community HallsManagement of the Community Hall, and Recreation CentreHarriet WitchellCommunity Hall Charter
Emergency Water LiaisonManagement of SIRA water system and water salesMarie Minslow (TL)
Tim Turpin
Robert Fox
Cass Gye
Finance and Insurance
Financial matters, administration and Insurance mattersPetra Godfrey (TL and Treasurer)
Boyd Attewell (accountant)
Tim Turpin
Colin Haskell
Sharon Kinnison
Robert Fox
Finance and Insurance Charter
Governance, Vision and StrategyGovernance of the association, including decision making, policies, procedures and visionSimon Tucker (TL)
Sharon Kinnison
Boyd Attewell
Bill Gye
Marie Minslow
Governance Charter

Island Vision Charter

Roads, Drainage, Traffic and EnvironmentImprovements and maintenance of roads and drainage, parks and reserves, and vehicle managementSharon Kinnison (TL)
Ben Dray
Tim Turpin
Robyn Armsworth-Brack
Jenny Cullen
Mandy Daher
Julie Torney
Simon Tucker
Roads and Drainage Charter

TransportTransport Issues, Management of the Community VehicleJulie Torney (TL)
Sharon Dwyer – CV coordinators
Betsi Beem
Andrew Dansie
Jane Rich
Jean Paul Raynard
Sharon Kinnison
Community Vehicle Charter
Water and Wastewater and WasteProposed connection to Sydney Water and a main sewerage system.
Rubbish collection and recycling
Basil Daher (TL)
Marie Minslow
Robert Fox
Cass Gye
Water and Wastewater Charter

Emergency Water Charter

Waste and Recycling Management Charter

Wharves and WatercraftPublic Wharves Infrastructure and ManagementColin Haskell (TL)
Steve Seidman (Eastern)
John Marshall (Carols)

Interested islanders who are members of SIRA can volunteer to join any subcommittee by emailing the team leader. Meetings are usually held at least once every six weeks.

Subcommittee (and Working Groups) Contact Details

Boyd Attewell

Photo of Boyd Attewell
SIRA Committee

Boyd is an accountant and seeks to bring simplicity and clarity to the association’s financials. He’s happy to receive requests for information and answers.

Alec Foye Beckett

Photo of Alec Foye Beckett
Team Leader – Wharves Working Group

Julie Velina Cooper

No Photo Available
SIRA Treasurer, Finance and Insurance team leader

Basil Daher

No Photo Available

Emergency Water Monitor – Line 1

Photo of Emergency Water Monitor – Line 1
Contact: Rowena Dubberley Work Phone: 0420 240 547

Emergency Water Monitor – Line 2

Photo of Emergency Water Monitor – Line 2
Contact: Rowena Dubberley Work Phone: 0420 240 547

Emergency Water Monitor – Line 3

Photo of Emergency Water Monitor – Line 3
Contact: Rowena Dubberley Mobile: 0420 240 547

Carol Beth Floyd

No Photo Available
SIRA Vice President; Communications Leader

Colin Haskell

Photo of Colin Haskell
Vice President, Team Leader – Water and Wastewater Sub-committee SIRA Committee

Colin is a retired retail executive. For the last 17 years he has owned and managed the Scotland Island Lodge guest house with his wife Rosemary.

Robyn Iredale

No Photo Available
SIRA President, Community Engagement & Recreation, Halls team leader

Sharon Kinnison

Photo of Sharon Kinnison
SIRA Committee, Team Leader – Roads, Drainage, Traffic and Environment Sub-committee SIRA Committee

Sharon, 27 years on the Island, lives one-up near Tennis Wharf. She is a qualified and experienced high school teacher and bush regeneration supervisor. As a Senior Educator at Pittwater Coastal Environment Centre her role included program management, grant writing, project implementation targeting community catchment and sustainability education and catchment monitoring.

John Morgan

No Photo Available
Community Vehicle Liaison

Julie Paterson

No Photo Available

Scotland Island Community Hall (Booking Manager)

Photo of Scotland Island Community Hall (Booking Manager)
Contact: Harriet Witchell

Simon Tucker

No Photo Available
SIRA President

Water Manager

Photo of Water Manager
SIRA Contact: John Courmadias Phone: 0412 128 523

Ian White

No Photo Available
Joint Team Leader – Church Point Sub-committee, Waste Sub-committee leader, Community Vehicle Liaison

Deb Woods

No Photo Available
SIRA Secretary