Your health is at risk – ACT NOW!
Scotland Islanders are facing serious health threats from sewage run-off.
You and your family risk contracting urinary tract infections, meningitis and other serious mosquito-borne diseases like Ross River and Dengue Fevers.
Sewage run-off is a public health risk in Pittwater through exposure to pooled effluent, contaminated soils and indirect exposure in waterways.
A study commissioned by SIRA found Faecal Coliform levels are 645 times above the recommended safety level & Enterococci Levels are 2,600 times.
To make matters worse, Sydney Water is about to break a promise to our community to provide waste water infrastructure to Scotland Island. Click here
Since 2000, Scotland Island has been listed in the Priority Sewerage Program (PSP)in Sydney Water’s Operating Licence for 2010-15. For the past five years we’ve been waiting for the detailed plans so we could engage our community in an informed discussion about their options.
Now Sydney Water is seeking through IPART to remove Scotland Island for the following reasons from its Priority Sewerage Program! The range of our options is being severely threatened!
WE NEED YOU TO ACT THIS WEEK — in the interest of everyone’s health and safety
Write a letter this week to our local State member Rob Stokes and to other parties listed in the Call to Action. They need to hear from you — click the Button below!
[wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=180 linktext=’Download a pdf with all information on the issue’ /]
It may be of benefit to also write a letter to the director General of health as it seems that Sydney water has to answer to them. In this case of the proposed sewer connection to Scotland Island Sydney Water is not adhering to its prescribed principle objectives which as described in their operating licence are;
‘”To exhibit a sense of social responsibility by having regard to the interests of the community in which it serves ”
“To protect the environment by conducting its operations in compliance with the principles of ecologically sustainable development”
“To protect public health by supplying safe water to its customers”
” To reduce risks to human health”
“To prevent degradation to the environment”
Their operating licence identifies Scotland Island as having “high environmental sensitivity” and yet even after recognising this fact it says there is no requirement in their licence with regard to planning and construction (of sewer works) in these areas. Stating that the preferred option for them is for the Government to fund these works and services directly. I feel these facts should be brought to the notice of the Director General of Health I will write a letter to him identifying these issues. however maybe an official letter from SIRA along similar lines maybe of benefit also.
John Cave