Online nominations are now CLOSED for the Scotland Island Resident Association Committee and Executive Committee (Office Bearers) for the remainder of 2020 and for 2021. Nominations must be received online and close at 11:59pm on Saturday the 17th of October, 20120. If there are roles left unfilled, then nominations are accepted (requires a seconder) from the floor during the AGM meeting.

For your nomination of an committee or executive position to be considered, you and your seconder must be currently financial SIRA members. You can log in to your SIRA account to confirm your financial status here or to confirm your contact and address details.

You must be elected as a committee member to be able to nominate for an executive position.

The 2020 SIRA Annual General Meeting will be held in the Scotland Island RFS Fireshed on Sunday, the 18th of October, 2020 at 10:00 am. We hope you are able to be present for the voting of the committee and executive committee. It is not mandatory for you to attend, although it may assist your nomination.


Please use this form to nominate for a position(s).
