Emergency water monitor and manager positions vacant


23 October 2023


Emergency water monitor and manager positions vacant

Applications are invited from full time residents of the island for the positions of emergency water line Monitor and emergency water line manager.

The emergency water monitor position has been expanded to take responsibility for lines 1, 2 and 3. It will commence on 1 December 2023 and current monthly remuneration is $983.25 with extra call outs paid at $51.75 per hour. A link to the draft contract showing the schedule of services is here.

The emergency water manager position will involve overseeing maintenance of the lines and equipment, liaison with the software manager, the monitor, and SIRA committee members. It too will commence 1 December and remuneration is $388.12 per month with extra call outs paid at $51.75 per hour. A draft contract will be available shortly but will be similar to that of the monitor.

Training will be provided for both positions in the last two weeks of November. A thorough knowledge of the “Introduction to the water system” on the SIRA website is very important.

Please register your interest and apply by 7  November by email to rob@attunga.net.au. Interviews will be conducted shortly after with the objective of being ready to start training after the SIRA’s AGM on 19 November.

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