Now in its 15th year, Carols Afloat will take place again this year on Thursday December 14. Our first performance will be at Carols Wharf, and our second will be at Church Point as usual. Rehearsals will be on Monday evenings at the Recreation Centre (Thanks, SIRA!) – just 5 rehearsals. 

If you would like to be involved in the choir (you don’t need to have a wonderful singing voice, just lots of enthusiasm) please indicate this using the link below and we’ll be in touch with more details.

Many thanks,

Max, Jo and Jon

Storage of watercraft at Harold Reserve

SIRA received the following communication from NBC in August. It was discussed in the latest SIRAC meeting. If you have comments or questions concerning this, please use the email address provided in the letter from NBC.

Dear Scotland Island Resident Association,

We are contacting you regarding the changes to the storage of watercraft at Harold Reserve.

As you are aware Council installed kayak storage facilities at Harold Reserve, Scotland Island to help keep the area safe, tidy and accessible. From September 2023, an annual permit will be required by those who wish to store their vessel within one of these new storage facilities.

To apply for a permit, residents will need to complete the watercraft and dinghy storage application form and Fees and Charges will apply (current annual fee for land based watercraft storage is $217). Should we receive more applications than spaces available, a ballot will be held.

Please note the bottom two spaces of the front rack and space underneath will be available for shared community use. The watercraft in these spaces must be clearly marked, returned to the spaces and not left elsewhere on the reserve.

Council has begun to place unattended property notices on watercraft at Harold Reserve to remove any craft that are still on the reserve and do not have a permit from 31 August. Temporary signage will be installed on the reserve in the coming week.

We will also be relocating the front rack on the reserve to the west so that is does not occupy a central and visible position on the reserve.

Should you wish to discuss this further please contact us via

Kind regards


Victoria Keswick

Open Space Sport & Recreation Officer

This is a communication from others. SIRA is sharing it with our membership for informational purposes only.

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