
Carols and Bell Wharves update: communication from NBC

Some Scotland Island residents have received the following email. To assist you in finding information, the SIRA Wharves Subcommittee have added information and links that you might find useful. Please note the May 8th deadline.

Dear Scotland Island Resident,

The upgrades at Bells and Carols Wharves are nearing completion. There will be 40 tie-ups at Bell Wharf and 74 at Carols Wharf, which will be available to hire. Council will be managing the wharf tie-ups aligned with other wharves across the LGA.

Residents may apply for a permit to store boats at either wharf. The permit will provide you with a specific tie up space to secure your vessel until 28 February 2023. It is renewed annually and the current adopted Fees and Charges apply [Wharves SC: See below for page number references and fee summary info].

If you would like to apply for a permit to store your boat on one of these wharves, please complete and return the attached application form. Please note that anyone wishing to store their boats at these wharves must apply and display a permit, including those who have used the old wharves to tie-up their boats. [Wharves SC: Terms and conditions can be found here: https://files.northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/general-information/wharf-tie-applications/terms-conditions-bell-and-carols-wharf-mar22.pdf]

Please submit applications to watercraft@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au by the 8 May 2022. [Wharves SC:  Applications can be found at https://www.northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au/council/forms/watercraft-tie-bell-wharf-and-carols-wharf]

Council will review each application and notify successful applicants in writing. Should we receive more applications than spaces available, a ballot will determine who is allocated a tie-up in the initial process. A waitlist will be developed if required. 

You are welcome to submit more than one application per household however only one vessel per household will be considered in the initial assessment, additional vessels will be considered if there are ample tie-ups available. 

Approved permit holders will be required to have a current sticker on their boats at all times as well as adhere to the permit’s terms and conditions. Please find attached a copy of the terms and conditions, it is important that you read this document so you are aware of the responsibilities and terms of the agreement.


If you have any questions regarding tie-ups at Bell or Carol Wharfs prior to applying please contact me via email to watercraft@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au


Kind regards



Victoria Keswick

Open Space Sport & Recreation Officer

 Business Operations

t 02 8495 5004

Further information from SIRA Wharves Subcommittee

In the Fees and Charges document 2021-2022, the relevant information can be found on page 118. The charges for Bell and Carols are:

  • ·       $266 for a single permit (if you don’t have a Church Point Commuter Wharf permit)
  • ·       $100 for a 2nd permit (if you do already have a Church Point Commuter Wharf permit).

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