Meeting Sunday with NBC cancelled; Update on stone bollards at Tennis 


24 August 2023 


Update on stone bollards at Tennis and cancellation of August 27 meeting

As many will be aware, following the communication of the SIRA resolution to NBC, the stone bollards have been moved back to the end of the stone wall to allow more space for people with mobility issues. We thank NBC for their quick action on this.

Council has informed SIRA that signs are being manufactured for the area requesting that people leave these spots for people with mobility issues. In the meantime, it’s important for those without mobility issues to park at the top near the Fire Shed, leaving the spaces nearer the Wharf for those who need them. 

NBC have informed SIRA that they will leave this arrangement in place until it can be considered as part of a holistic Traffic Management Plan pending TfNSW determination on conditional registration and what is required to permit it.

The open forum with NBC and residents, originally scheduled for August 27, has been cancelled for the moment due to unavailability of Council staff. SIRA has sent the questions that were posed for Council at the last meeting with the hope of obtaining a written response on them. Residents can also contact NBC directly (contact details are here on the website) with questions, or send your questions to for forwarding to Council.

The Communications Team, SIRA

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