
Monday, February 26    
12:00 am - 6:00 pm


Scotland Island
Richard Rd, Scotland Island, New South Wales, 2105

Event Type

The main points you need to know:

  • collection is from the roadside only; do not place materials at public or private wharves or jetties
  • up to 3 cubic metres per household
  • make sure nails are not protruding from material
  • remove doors from items such as fridges and furniture
  • put whitegoods and metals in a separate pile



  • furniture
  • frames with glass removed (break glass down, wrap in newspaper and put in ordinary garbage)
  • paint tins and fuel containers with the lids off and no liquid in them
  • up to 2 non-branded delivery pallets
  • hot water systems (empty)



  • TVs and computers
  • building/renovation materials
  • car parts, tyres and batteries
  • gas bottles and extinguishers
  • vegetation
  • cardboard and paper
  • windows, glass, mirrors

The waste collection team will greatly appreciate your co-operation.

For further information from council, please visit this page.