
Sunday, August 13    
9:30 am - 12:30 pm


Scotland Island Community Hall
Catherine Park, Scotland Island

Event Type


Coffee/tea station open prior to and throughout the meeting (no prescribed coffee/tea break).

Agenda Items Time (minutes) Finish Time


Standard Matters (SIRAC Business) – Chair: Hubert van Mierlo

1) [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=467 linktext=’Confirmation of Previous Minutes’ /]

2) Correspondence

a) Kindy Repayments

b) Peaks Island, Maine, USA comparative interest in parking issues

c) NBC: Pasadena purchase by NBC

d) Proposal for Pasadena

e) Grant for Water System

f) Thank you letter for Water Grant

g) Letter to NBC for no increase to parking fees

3) Treasurer’s Report ([wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=469 linktext=report /] / [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=468 linktext=accounts /])

4) Next Round of CBP Grants

5) Ethical Investments Proposal

6) Church Point Parking Fee Increase

7) Roads and Drainage

8) Waste

9) Wastewater Feasibility Study

90 11:00


Open questions and issues raised by any SIRA Member Questions first taken that have been submitted prior to the meeting

a) Success of Emergency Water Management Grant – I want to know more

Questions from the floor


30 11:30


7) Working Group Focus – Wharves Proposal WHARVES UPGRADES (All members welcome) – Chair: Alec Beckett

The Wharves Working Group has been busy meeting with council, refining a plan forward and consulting with interested parties. [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=470 linktext=’The proposal’ /] to take to council is now circulated and will be delivered to council next week. This is the opportunity to view and comment on any issues that are critical or prohibitive. Detailed design elements and management issues will be discussed throughout the process, but it is imperative that the process is started immediately as council has a deadline of funding opportunities on the 20th of August.

45 12:15

[wpfilebase tag=browser id=65 /]   The SIRA Committee meets every 6 weeks. During the meeting a wide variety of subjects are discussed, from association management to community issues, events and programs. The SIRA Committee meetings are open to the public for observation. At the end of the meeting there is a Questions and Answers session, where community members are able to ask the committee questions. For more about SIRA, read more here Previous meeting agendas and minutes can be found here: [wpfilebase tag=browser id=3 /] SIRA_small_logo