Madeira Vine info session, Seafarer’s Shindig 20 May


16 April 2023 


Madeira Vine information session – Sunday 23 April at the Community Hall, 10:15 am

Grab a coffee and a cake at the Two Catherine’s Café and head up to the hall for an informative session on a serious weed problem. You may have noticed a vine around the island that is quickly spreading and smothering our native vegetation, gardens, and anything else it can climb on. Madeira vine is a prolific invasive species and is a declared weed of National Significance. Once established, it is incredibly difficult to remove, as many Islanders who are currently struggling with it would attest.

We are hosting an info session to inform island residents about why it’s an issue, how to identify it, how it spreads and how to remove it without spreading it even more.

Benjamin Dray and Brad Jones will present this deep learning session on Madeira Vine in the Community Hall, Sunday 23rd April at 10.15 am with time for Q&A, coinciding with the café.

The Roads, Drainage and Environment Subcommittee, Scotland Island Residents’ Association