Marie Minslow

I live on Scotland Island with my husband,children & grandchild. We have been here for 22 years livng at the top of the island and on the water. I understand the issues facing most residents on the island because I have experienced them…

Cass Gye

As a resident since 1977 I have a wealth of knowledge on Island matters. As Treasurer I have kept accurate and fully audited accounts since 2009. I have maintained a comprehensive database for direct communication on important matters and services.…

Colin Haskell

 I have lived on the island for the past 13 years and have been active in local affairs being a committee member in 2013-14 and I am currently coordinator of Tennis Community Pontoon. Nominating for: Committee Member

Sharon Kinnison

My family has lived on the island over 25 years. I love being active on the water and in the natural environment. I am passionate about my community and serving in SIRA and Community First Responders. I believe we have an opportunity to make…

AGM 2015 - Notice

Notice is given that the Annual General Meeting of the Scotland Island Residents’ Association will be held on Sunday, February 8, 2015 at 10 am at the Scotland Island Fire Brigade     The Ordinary Business of the meeting…


Volunteer Organisations are an essential component of a civil society -  Alexis de Tocqueville 1835 At the upcoming SIRA AGM on February 8, 2015 there will be an election of office-bearers (5) and ordinary members (10) for the SIRA…