If you are booking the Community Hall or the Recreation Centre, please first check that the space is available at your desired time.
I would like to make a (select ALL that apply): *
Community Hall BookingRecreation Centre BookingEvent Listed on the Public Calendar
Name *
Email *
Home Phone
Mobile Phone
Postal Address
Is the request for an individual or an organisation? *
If the request is for an Organisation, what is its name, your title and the ABN?
Company Name (if organisation)
Official Position (if organisation)
ABN (if organisation)
Start AND Finish time: * Notes: This could be that this is a recurring event on some particular pattern, or that the above times are for the booking of the space, but the event (as you want to list it on the calendar) are these particular times.
Important: Bookings/hiring time must include setting up and packing up/cleaning
What is the type of activity proposed to take place? *
FunctionMeetingWorkshopClassRehearsalPerformanceChildren's Party (under 10 years old)Toilet hire onlyEquipment hire onlyOther
If 'Other', please specify, if 'Function', please state type or name the function.
Do you have any equipment requirements?
I ONLY want to hire toilet access Tables Chairs Kitchen Air-Conditioning Video Projector Sound System Wifi with Internet Access Other
Numbers attending
Will alcohol be served? *
During the period of the event, will there be any paid or unpaid workers in employment that primarily involves unsupervised direct contact with children under the age of 18 years of age? *
If you answered yes to the above, you will need to comply with the applicable legislation particularly including child protection legislation. Look at the government website for child-safe and child-friendly guidelines at www.kidsguardian.nsw.gov.au.
To view the fees associated with hiring our spaces, please click here.
If this event is to go on the public calendar, these are the details to be added the calendar events page:
Fill in any details to go on your event page. Sell your event with words. Describe what it is, why it will be fantastic and all the details potential attendees would want to know. How much, how do you book, what's provided etc. If a ticketed event, please also add the event ticket weblink for people to be able to purchase tickets online.
1. I hereby agree to abide by the SIRA Scotland Island Community Hall Terms and Condition of Hire as at 2017 (“SI Hall Terms and Conditions”) and hereby undertake to notify the SIRA Hall Manager immediately should I become aware of any non-compliance with this agreement or the SI Hall Terms and Conditions. 2. I hereby warrant and represent that the information supplied in my application is correct, and I will advise SIRA Hall Booking Officer immediately, should there be any alteration or additions to information supplied. 3. I hereby warrant and represent that I have complied with the Terms and Conditions and that I will continue to do so. I hereby acknowledge that SIRA will rely on a warranty given or a representation made pursuant to this paragraph. 4. I understand that I will be required to pay a bond ($500). I agree that the bond money may be paid by cheque or electronic funds transfer and that the bond money will be returned following hire subject to inspection and report and compliance with specified booking times. 5. I understand that I will be required to pay a key deposit ($50). I agree that the key deposit may be paid by cheques or electronic funds transfer and that the key deposit will be returned following return of the key or keys. 6. I understand that I will be required to pay for all bookings unless cancellations are made in writing 14 days prior to the date booked. 7. I understand that I am responsible for leaving the hall clean and tidy, making good any damage, and for the behaviour of all persons attending the premises at any time in connection with my booking. 8. I have received, read and understand the Safety Information for Hirers and Emergency Evacuation Plan for the hall, contained in the Scotland Island Community Hall Information for Hirers document (If this document fails to load, please right click and select "Open Link in New Tab"). 9. I hereby warrant and represent that I have complied with and will continue to comply with “working with children” (see www.kidsguardian.nsw.gov.au/check) where applicable. 10. I hereby warrant and represent, any portable electrical equipment or leads that I bring in to the SI Community Hall shall comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 (The Act) and the Regulation as per the attached link: NSW Legislation. 11. I acknowledge that I have understood and accept the terms and conditions for Scotland Island Community Hall hire outlined in the Scotland Island Community Hall Information for Hirers document (If this document fails to load, please right click and select "Open Link in New Tab").
I acknowledge that I agree to enter into this agreement and have read, understood and accept the terms and conditions for Scotland Island Community Hall or Recreation Centre hire in Scotland Island Community Hall Information for Hirers and that if this a booking for the Community Hall or Recreation Centre, this agreement will come into force.
I agree that if I have requested that this event be listed on the public calendar, that the information provided in this request will be made available to the public on this website.
* I acknowledge the above.
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