Saturday 6  December from  12pm

Carols Afloat is on again!

SCHEDULE Venue:        Elandra, Elvina Bay (thanks to Scott and Colin) (Elandra is at the junction of Wirringulla Avenue and Elvina Walking Track on the point between Elvina Bay and McCarrs Creek.
 Use the right hand jetty. Take…

Gala Fashion Parade on Saturday 6th December 2014

Doors open 7:30pm 70 Thompson Street, Scotland Island From Bell wharf: Ascend Hilda Avenue, turn right and take the third pathway on your left. From Carol’s wharf: At the top of Cecil Street turn left and take the stone steps 30m…

What would you keep the same on the Island?

Here is the second instalment of Boyd Attewell's quest to find out what makes the Island tick....

Island Cafe 30 November

Grab a coffee to have at to the SIRA Special General Meeting or just visit the Cafe for coffee and cake! Proceeds go to our Island Kindy!