Choir in Hall (Photo June Lahm)There are a number of community groups on the island. Joining a group is a good way to meet like-minded people, pursue similar interests and provide useful services to the community and our environment.

Do you have a group that you would like to include in this listing? If so, contact us and let us know all the details, including:

  • the name of the group
  • a description of the group
  • contact details (phone and email)

Alternatively, you can fill out the Directory Request Form below to get your group listed in the directory.

Directory Request Form

    Name *

    Email *

    What is your request? *

    Is the entry for an individual or an organisation? *

    In case the entry is for an organisation, what is its name?

    What is the (contact) name to be entered into the directory?

    Which category does the entry belong in? (You can select more than one category by holding down Ctrl or the Command Key)

    Attach Image (logo or photo)


    Phone Number(s)

    Email Address(es)

    Website Links (Please copy and paste your website URL which is found in the address bar when you are on your website. Naming your website is not sufficient.)

    Social Media Links (Please copy and paste your social media URL which is found in the address bar when you are on your page. Naming your social media is not sufficient and does not identify which type of social media.)

    Description or Bio

    Yes, I'd like to receive confirmation that this directory request has been actioned.

    I acknowledge that to the best of my knowledge the submitted information above is correct. I confirm that the organisations and/or persons contained in the information submitted or amended, have given permission for this information to appear on the Scotland Island Community Website and/or any other publication owned or controlled by the Scotland Island Residents’ Association (SIRA), from this day forward. In the case of a removal request, I confirm that the organisations and/or persons referred to in the submission above have given permission for the removal.


    Please enter the code above for validation:

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