It’s time to renew your Church Point parking permit/s, which is expiring on 31 August.
Due to NSW Health Orders and current lockdowns, renewals will be slightly different from other years. The Northern Beaches Council advises the Customer Service branches are temporality closed, you will need
There will be an interruption to supply (under Urgent Network Conditions) between 08:00 Tuesday 3/8/2021 and 15:00 Tuesday 3/8/21 for Ausgrid to replace the damaged power pole on Robertson Road.
Power will also be turned off on Thursday for futher works, details
NBN outstanding external connections will commence next week! Those residents without a lead-in cable/external box will be unable to connect to NBN until this is complete. Please register with an RSP, however, if an appointment is made, it may be cancelled if externals not finalised.