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    You can join SIRA by clicking the green button below. This will take you to the SIRA self-service portal where you can sign up, renew or access the self-service functions.

    Interested islanders can volunteer to join any subcommittee by emailing the team leader. Read more here.

    You can fill out the contact form here, or contact any of the committee members below:

    Boyd Attewell

    Photo of Boyd Attewell
    SIRA Committee

    Boyd is an accountant and seeks to bring simplicity and clarity to the association’s financials. He’s happy to receive requests for information and answers.

    Carol Beth Floyd

    No Photo Available
    SIRA Vice President; Communications Leader

    Petra Godfrey

    No Photo Available
    SIRA Treasurer

    Colin Haskell

    Photo of Colin Haskell
    Vice President, Team Leader – Water and Wastewater Sub-committee SIRA Committee

    Colin is a retired retail executive. For the last 17 years he has owned and managed the Scotland Island Lodge guest house with his wife Rosemary.

    Sharon Kinnison

    Photo of Sharon Kinnison
    SIRA Committee, Team Leader – Roads, Drainage, Traffic and Environment Sub-committee SIRA Committee

    Sharon, 27 years on the Island, lives one-up near Tennis Wharf. She is a qualified and experienced high school teacher and bush regeneration supervisor. As a Senior Educator at Pittwater Coastal Environment Centre her role included program management, grant writing, project implementation targeting community catchment and sustainability education and catchment monitoring.

    Julie Torney

    No Photo Available
    SIRA Committee

    Simon Tucker

    No Photo Available
    SIRA President

    Deb Woods

    No Photo Available
    SIRA Secretary

    When you receive your invoice via email, click on the link in the email (‘Pay Now’). This will open a web page which will offer you the online payment methods. Read the comprehensive online payments guide.

    Visa, Mastercard and American Express. You don’t need to pay a processing fee. Cost to SIRA are the same for each card brand, so feel free to choose your favourite card.

    Call your water monitor who will process the booking for you.